Thursday, August 23, 2007

No Self-Published Authors Allowed

A couple of months ago, I got an email on one of my listservs that a Bella Stander, a publicity expert who specializes in book promotion has recently moved to Denver. She's apparently well-known and well-regarded among authors. She does 8-hour "Book Promotion 101" workshops around the country, each limited to 8 participants, who pay approximately $500 to attend. I decided to check her out so I went to her website, where I read glowing testimonials about her work.

But, guess what? I can't go to her workshop. She says, "Book Promotion 101 is exclusively for commercial trade book authors. No self-published or P.O.D."

I was stunned! Would I somehow pollute the atmosphere if I went? Or maybe it's not a good thing for me to learn too much about book promotion since I'm promoting a self-published novel? Maybe I'd become more successful than a self-published author should be?

As a self-published author, I'm certainly serious about learning more about promoting my book. And if I have the $500 fee, I don't see why I'm excluded. It could be that her workshop is so oriented toward traditional publishing that I wouldn't get anything out of it. If that's the case, why not tell me that and let me make my own decision about whether it's worth the time and money?

Again, all I want is a level playing field.


  1. I agree...although Oak Tree Press is an indie press with 35 titles by 30 different authors, I still combat these same prejudices. I'd be delighted to get on board with plans and programs to raise the image of indies!

  2. Now you understand how we serious writers who use publishers such as Iuniverse feel.Thank you for making the point.
